1. On all Silver Slugger games if one team is ahead by 10 or more runs after 5 innings, the next inning will be a flip/flop inning.
2. On all Silver Slugger games there will be a 65 minute time on the games. After 65 minutes the next inning will be the last or flip/flop.
3. If a team uses a courtesy runner and the batter fouls out or strikes out, that runner can be a runner again during that same inning.
March 1, 2023
Games of the Woodbridge Senior Softball Club (WSSC) are played under the rules of the Senior Softball ASA (USA-Softball) rules with the following exceptions:
1. 2nd & 3rd base and home plate The force-out rule will be in effect on all plays where the runner is attempting to advance whether or not the runner is forced by a trailing runner. (2nd & 3rd base) Once a runner has established reaching the base safely, they are now protected. Should the runner beat the throw to the base and then come off the base, the runner is in jeopardy of being called out if tagged or fielder steps on the base. If the runner touches the base and continues or rounds the base with what the umpire believes to be an intent to advance to the next base, the runner is not protected and may be put out if the defensive player tags the runner or the base prior to the runner returning to the base. If the runner retreats for any reason toward the base last occupied, the force play is in effect, and they may be put out if the defensive player tags the runner or the base to which the runner is returning. The runner is committed to returning to the last base that he is retreating to and must touch it before advancing to the next base. If the defensive player catches the ball and touches the bag while the runner is advancing toward the bag, the runner is out. Note: A commit line is used between 3rd base and home plate. (There is no "run down" or
"pickle" on the part of the runner.) (Rules 1.26 and 8.6).
2. Turf shoes or shoes with rough rubber soles are strongly encouraged. No flat rubber shoes or open toe shoes allowed.
3. Courtesy or Pinch Runner: Must report to and be acknowledged by the home plate umpire who, in turn, reports it to the Score Booth. Irregularity with any runner is relayed from the Score Booth to the home plate umpire and coaches.
Home plate: A Courtesy Runner will be allowed for any batter who requests one. Courtesy Runner cannot advance beyond first base on any fairly hit ball, including an overthrown ball. If they continue on and touch 2B they will be called out. Any existing base runner(s) may advance as far as possible at their own risk. After Courtesy Runner is established at first base, they may advance as far as possible at their own risk on any ball hit by the following batter(s). For a Courtesy Runner from home plate, a rope/tennis ball tether attached at the mid-backstop screen shall be used. Courtesy Runner may drop the tethered ball on batter's contact with the ball. Note: CR leaving early from home: 1st time warning, 2nd time batter is out. A Courtesy Runner may be used again if the batter strikes out or fouls out.
On Base: Base runners must agree, if asked, to be replaced with a pinch runner. Coaches must accept the base runner’s decision to run or not. Base runner can request a pinch PR anytime.
4. If any base runner slides or dives into any base, the base runner shall be declared out and the umpire will call a dead-ball time out.
5. With 12 defensive players, outfielders (OFers) and short-fielder (SFer): Configuration shall be at least 4 OFers behind the 170' line and no more than 2 SFers in front of 170' line and no closer than the infield dirt until contact with the ball is made. Switching between OFers and SFer may be done between at bats.
6. With 11 defensive players, outfielders (OFers) and short-fielder (SFer): Configuration shall be at least 4 OFers behind the 170' line and no more than 1 SFer in front of 170' line and no closer than the infield dirt until contact with the ball is made. Switching between OFers and SFer may be done between at bats.
7. With 10 defensive players:No short fielders allowed. All 4 OFers need to remain behind the 170' line until contact with the ball is made.
8. With 9 defensive players: 170' line is disregarded, and outfield config is a decision of the Coach.
9. Infielder or Outfielder Encroachment: If an infielder encroaches in front of the base line, an outfielder encroaches in front of the 170' arc, or a short-fielder encroaches on infield dirt before contact with ball and catches the ball, a dead ball will be declared, batter awarded first base and any runner already on base, who may be forced to advance, will be allowed to do so. Infielders must play on the infield and outfielders and short fielders must play on the grass.
10. Short-fielder is not allowed to cover 2B: They can still make throws to 2nd and 3rd base.
11. Outfielder and Short-fielders:No batted ball shall be thrown, by the OF/SF, or relayed directly to 1B. However, double plays that start from the grass can be relayed from either 2B or 3B to 1B to complete the double play is permitted-- in this case the batter will be out at 1B.
12. Infield Fly rule: Not enforced!!
13. First Base -- Run-through line: (No Orange bag) A line starting 2 feet right of the bag and extending out 2 1/2 feet long. Whenever a play is being made on the batter-runner, the defense must use the White base and the batter-runner must use the run-through line. Runners will be called out if they touch the base or runs in the restricted area between the base and the veer-line, when there is a play being made at 1B. Note: If there is NO play at 1B then the batter-runner can go directly to the base.
14. First Base-- Passed ball:On an overthrown ball to 1B, and the runner has passed the run-through line, they do Not need to touch the base if they decide to continue on to 2B. However, once they cross the 1B foul line they will be at risk of being forced out if they decide to return to 1B and the ball arrives before they get back to the base.
15. FLIP-FLOP RULE: If any team has a ten run or more lead after 5 innings, the next inning will be the last - unlimited runs.
16. CATCHERS: Wearing a face guard is mandatory.
17. PITCHERS: Wearing a face guard and shin guards is mandatory; wearing a chest protector is optional. [Each team has a chest protector available.]
18. PITCHERS NET OPTIONAL: However, if a pitcher does decide to use the pitching net to start the game, they must continue to use it for the remainder of the game. If a pitcher is using the pitching net, they will be allowed to catch a fly-ball, however they are NOT be permitted to touch a batted ground ball or line-drive. If the pitcher touches a batted ground ball or line-drive before anyone else on the defense, it will be considered a “Dead Ball” and the batter will be awarded first base. If a batter hits the pitching net it will be considered a foul ball/ strike. In the case where the batter has two strikes and hits the pitching net, they will be granted one more “free foul”. If batter has two strikes and then hits the pitching net two more times, they with be called out, dead ball, base runners cannot advance.
19. POOL PLAYERS "ONLY" ARE NOT ALLOWED: To be eligible as a Pool Player, a player must be currently active on a Silver Sluggers team. Players can play on the Wildcats team and/or Wolverines team without playing on a Silver Sluggers team but cannot be a Pool Player.
20. Balls: All softballs used on Dell Webb Field at Woodbridge must be 12", 375 lbs., and . 44 or less COR, not to exceed the current maximums.
For WSSC softball games played at Woodbridge (Del Webb Field), players 70 years of age (70 within the calendar year) and older may purchase and use these bats. All Senior Bats must be marked by GREEN TAPE by the umpires. It is the responsibility of the Manager/Coach/Assistant Coach to verify that the players are eligible to use these bats. At the beginning of each game, the Manager/Coach/Assistant Coach shall notify the home plate umpire which players will be using the Senior Bats. Any softball player younger than 70 years of age who knowingly uses the Senior Bat and makes contact with the ball, putting the ball in play, will be called out. If the ball has not been hit and put in play, only a WARNING shall be issued.
22. If a player quits a Silver Sluggers team: They will not be allowed to play again that year.
23. Bats throw toward dugout will not be allowed
A) UMPIRE TIME OUT SITUATIONS: Only the umpires may call "Time Out". Any player in a game may request the umpire to call a "Time Out". A "Time Out" is not assumed by a player, Manager or Coach and does not occur until the umpire grants the "Time Out".
(B)DISPUTED CALLS: Should warning a player be necessary, the team Manager or Assistant Coach should be informed first. Only the Team Manager may discuss disputed calls with the umpire. Any team member(s), including the Team Manager, who persists in complaining or arguing about an umpire's call, may be considered behaving in an unsportsmanlike manner and may be warned once. Any further discussion may result in ejection from the game.
If a Team Manager wants to discuss a call, the Manager must request and receive a "Time Out" from the home plate umpire. No discussions will be considered based solely on a decision involving the accuracy of judgment on the part of an umpire. Once a "Time Out" is granted, the Manager may then ask the umpire who made the call to consult with their fellow umpire(s). If the umpire feels another opinion is of value, they may ask for it. Under no circumstances can one umpire overrule another umpire's call without first requesting if they need assistance. NOTE: An umpire is not obligated to discuss their call. The home plate umpire, however, shall have the authority to make the final decisions on any situations if first requesting assistance is granted and consultation takes place. Any further discussions on rule interpretations or other calls on the field must be held at the completion of the game.
INCIDENT REPORTS: It is the responsibility of the home plate umpire to write an incident report. These consist of reports on altercations, aggressive behavior, or ejections from a game. The home plate umpire will give a copy to the Operations Manager and to the Head Umpire for any appropriate follow-up action by the WSSC Discipline Committee.
INJURY REPORTS: It is the responsibility of the Team Manager or Assistant Coach to write injury reports. A copy of the report will be provided for the Head Umpire who, in turn, will provide a copy for the Operations Manager.
SILVER SLUGGER SCHEDULED GAMES: If the 65 min. timer sounds prior to the start of the 6th inning, the next inning will be the last.
DIAMOND GALS SCHEDULED GAMES: If the 65 min. timer sounds prior to the start of the 6th inning, the next inning will be the last.
OPENING DAY: All games scheduled for 1 hour apart or 5 innings, whichever occurs first. A 1:1 pitch count will be used to help the games on schedule.
Approved: 4/2023
Revised 7/24
1. Players need to sign up each year by completing a Registration Form and a Release of Liability form. Forms can be obtained from the Clubhouse front desk, or downloaded from the WSSC website, www.silversluggers.net.
2. Equipment:
3. It is preferred that players use turf softball shoes.
4. A softball glove is required; please print your name clearly on your glove.
5. A visor or ball cap and sunglasses are recommended.
6. Bats are provided, or you may bring a personal bat.
7. Pitcher/catcher masks, shin guards, and chest protectors are also provided.
8. Both a blue and a red shirt will be provided by the organization. Club shirts are to be given back when a player decides not to play anymore.
9. Team Designation:
10. The “Red Team” (red shirts) is the “Visitor” team. The Visitors are the first to bat. The Visitor dugout is located by 1st base.
11. The “Blue Team” (blue shirts) is the “Home” team. The Home dugout is on the 3rd base side.
12. All players need to BRING BOTH SHIRTS TO ALL GAMES.
13. Players do not need to wear their shirts to practices.
14. Game Days:
15. Players are to call or text their Coach ASAP if they will not be at the game.
16. Players are to arrive ½ hour before game time for warm-ups. This will assist the coaches in getting the lineups confirmed and turned into the announcers and officials.
17. Practice is important. PLEASE BE ON TIME. Practice includes: teaching skills, conducting drills, and game play strategies. Safety is always a priority. Injury prevention is a key goal for the Diamond Gals Organization. If an injury occurs, promptly report the injury to your Coach. The accident/incident report will be completed and returned by a Coach. Special attention from the Coaches may be obtained at practice. If you want to work on something specific, practice is the time to ask questions and get well-defined answers and explanations. Games are for putting what you have learned into practice, not for learning the game.
General Rules
1. We play with an 11” softball. Sliding, base stealing, and bunting are not allowed.
2. We do not use the infield fly rule.
3. There will be a 65-minute time on the games. After 65 minutes, the next inning will be the last. If this happens, the next inning will be the “open” inning for unlimited runs. If the home team is behind by five runs at the end of the 6th inning, a “flip flop” rule can be used which keeps the visitor team on the field for the first part of the inning. If the home team ties or passes the visitor’s score, then the visitors get an at bat. If the home team does not tie or pass the visitor’s score, then the game is over.
4. If a player has a question about a play or an umpire’s call, the player should ask for a time out and report to their coach, who may choose to protest to the umpire. Players may be ejected from the game if they question the umpire’s call without going through their coach.
Batting/Base Running
1. Players may have a person run for them if they cannot run. (Unless a player gets injured during the game, once they run for themselves in a game, they should continue to run at each at bat.) Identify your designated runner (DR) prior to your at bat. Designated runners (DR) must be on or behind the runner’s plate or mark.
2. When a designated runner (DR) is used, the DR cannot advance past 1st base after the ball has been hit when running from home to 1st base. If the DR advances to 2nd, it is an automatic out.
3. The strike zone mat will be utilized. A legal pitch is a strike if the ball hits the mat. A legal pitch is an arched ball between 6 to 12 feet in height.
4. A batter will be called out if they do not stay inside the batter’s box while making contact with the ball.
5. When a batter has two strikes and:
6. gets another strike, the batter is out.
7. hits a foul ball, the batter is out.
8. A batter will be called out if she hits a foul ball that is higher than the batter’s head and is caught by the catcher.
9. When running to first base, the runner must run to the right of the bag and cross the run-through line unless the runner plans to continue to second base. When continuing onto second base, the runner may run on the inside of the base as long as the runner doesn’t impede play. If a ball is overthrown to 1st, the runner may run to 2nd without touching 1st base after passing the run-through line.
10. The runner is safe at a base when her foot touches the ground on or beyond the run-through line before the base player catches the ball and her foot is on the base.
11. Runners may be tagged out between all bases including between third base and home as long as the tag comes before the commit line.
12. A base runner must be touching the base when the ball is hit; there are no lead offs.
13. Again, the runner must touch the base if she is proceeding to the next base.
14. The runner must run past the run-through line on the opposite side of the play. If the ball is in the outfield, the runner must run on the infield side of the bag, or if the ball is in the infield, the runner must run on the outfield side of the bag. This rule is stressed for safety purposes.
15. OBSTRUCTION is when a defensive player interferes with a runner’s right to run the bases and INTERFERENCE is when a runner interferes with the fielder’s ability to field or catch the ball. The runner has the right of way to the run-through line on the opposite side of the bag from where the ball is coming from. If it is a close play and the runner runs on the ball side of the bag, it is interference. The umpire will give a warning the first time a runner interferes with a play; if the same runner interferes with another play during the same game, that runner will be ejected from the game. In the case of the runner coming on the other side and the throw is bad or the base person backs up in her way, it is obstruction. The runner gains the base when obstruction takes place.
16. The runner may progress when there is an overthrow or a dropped ball before ‘timeout’ is called. The umpire will call ‘timeout’ when the infield has control of the ball.
17. The ball is dead during pitches and foul balls. Players may only run when the ball is in play after a batter hits the ball.
18. When advancing to home, a runner may NOT return to 3rd base once the commit line has been crossed.
19. When running home from 3rd base, the runner must run through the “home base run-through line.” An automatic out will result if the runner steps on home plate or the green mat. (The league tries to prevent collisions as much as possible.)
1. Pitchers are allowed one step beyond the pitching line.
2. For both practices and games, pitchers must wear a face mask and shin guards while catchers must wear face masks. Chest protectors are optional. Note: All pitcher and catcher equipment is provided, or a player may provide their own.
3. Pitchers cannot intentionally walk a player.
As of the 2020 Season, Diamond Gals will elect two head coaches every two years.
The Coaches’ responsibilities include:
1. Draft players for their team.
2. Demonstrate good sportsmanship qualities and expect the same from the players.
3. Adhere to the Woodbridge Softball Rules of Play for their program and review these rules with team members.
4. Awareness of players’ abilities and physical limitations.
5. Hold team practices/meetings to improve players’ softball skills.
6. Encourage team members to attend open practices for all players.
7. Keep team members advised of scheduled games and meetings.
8. Attend monthly Coaches meetings as deemed necessary by the Diamond Gals.
9. Communicate with players.
10. Select an assistant coach to assume head Coaches’ responsibilities in the Head Coaches’ absence.
11. Lead Visitor Team in field preparation and Home Team for clean up.
12. Represent teams during games on issues involving questions to umpires.
13. Submit team lineup and designated runners to the score booth prior to the start of the game.
The Diamond Gals General Representative is responsible for any communication between the Council and the DG coaches and team members.
The Diamond Gals Players Representative works with the DG General Representative on issues and concerns with the Diamond Gals softball. She is the spokesperson for the Diamond Gals players.
The objectives of these procedures are parity, fairness, balanced playing field for both teams and equal opportunities to play for all players.
1. Three buckets will be used for each game. Bucket-1 for BYE players. Bucket-2 for GAME 1 and GAME2 for players with a SCHEDULED game that day. Note: If a NEW player or BYE-game player has already played out of the bucket in 1st game, they will then be added to Bucket-2 if they want to play again in the 2ndgame.
2. Prior to the 15-minute scheduled game cut off time, a prospective Pool Player will write down their name on a piece of paper, fold it, and place it in the corresponding game bucket.
3. Following the draw, a pool player will be place at the bottom of the line-up/roster.
At approximately 5-minutes prior to scheduled game, a line-up/roster from both teams shall be turned in to the Score Booth.
Pool Player signups for each game must be in the bucket 15-minutes before scheduled game time. No additions to the bucket after the 15-minute limit unless provided herein. The goal is for each team to
1. complete a player roster of 11 to begin the game. If 11 player rosters cannot be reached, then the pool player bucket will be used to draw enough players to make a defensive team of 11 players.
2. Selection of players will be begin 10 to 15 minutes before scheduled game time. The selection will be made by the Attendant after the coin flip to determine the selection order.
EXCEPTION: At the 15-minute pre-game mark, if either team has less than 11 players, then a PA announcement shall be made and the Pool shall remain open until the scheduled game time to enable each team to roster 11 players.
3. Selected players shall be notified by the Coaches through the PA system.
4. Once the Pool section is made and the game begins, the Pool player will play the entire game. No additional Pool Players will be added once the game begins, except for injury.
5. After the line-ups/rosters are presented to the Score Booth, a team player showing up will be placed at the bottom of the line-up/ roster and bat last. If after the start of the game, a team player arrives late, they will play at the Coach’s discretion. No Pool Player is dropped.
6. In case of injury, and where the roster drops below 11 players, the name of a Pool Player still in the game bucket may be added as a replacement.
7. If a player is scheduled to Umpire or work the Score Booth for a given game, they are ineligible to be placed in the Pool. Exception: if the minimum of 9 players for one team is not reached to start the game, then this rule may be waived by the Head Umpire or the Home Umpire of the game.
1. Rule exception to #10 above applies to pitchers needed. If a team is missing it’s designated pitcher (player drafted as their pitcher), they may use a pitcher asked in advance from the BYE team or, if necessary, choose a pitcher from the Pool, without losing their position in the Pool Player draw.
Approved: 4/1/022