The 2024 Woodbridge Senior Softball Club (WSSC) Council started their governing year on January 1, 2024. Behind the scenes, work was started in planning the 2024 season.
Each year the 12-member council has its comings and goings, and this year was no exception. Two council members switched positions, and four new members were elected. Polly Smith was elected Vice President for a one-year term, and John Calley was elected for a
two-year term as SS Player Representative.
New to the Council are Jim Anderson—Head Umpire. Melba Starr—Secretary, Kay Kion—DG Player Representative, and Tom Hower—Tournament Player Representative.
As President my responsibilities include running Council
and membership meetings, being responsible for administrative, financial, and legal status of the WSSC, and choose the Chairpersons of our many committees.
I am starting my first year as President after serving three years as Vice President,
I am a former SS and Wildcat player and am currently serving as an Umpire.
As President my responsibilities include running
Polly Smith
Vice President
Polly Smith became a member of WSSC as a player for the Diamond
Gals. For many years she oversaw Opening Day and the WSSC
Banquet. She has been a volunteer in the Booth for several years.
Polly was elected WSSC Secretary in 2022 for a 2-year term. She
was inducted into the Hal of Fame in 2022. In 2024 Polly was
appointed to serve as Vice President for the remaining 2024 year. As
Vice President she is responsible for soliciting sponsors for 2024.
She performs the duties of the President in the President’s absence
Art Hogan President
Polly Smith—Vice president
Sue Edmiston—Operations Manager
Rick Bachman—Treasurer
Jim Anderson-- Head Umpire
Melba Starr—Secretary
Mark Victoria—Field Maintenance
Ray Rothbart—SS General Rep
John Cawley—SS Player Rep
Mary Long—DG General Rep
Kay Kion—DG Player Rep
Tom Hower—Tournament Player Rep
Sue Edmiston
Sue Edmiston will start her seventh Council year, with the first four as Secretary, and 2023 being her third year as Operations Manager.
Sue is a hall of fame inductee, Score Booth volunteer, a former Diamond Gals player for five years and is the Hall of Fame Committee Chairperson. Sue is responsible for the Score Booth and Snack Shack. The Score Booth consists of four positions each game: Music Coordinator, Game Announcer, Official Scorekeeper and Scoreboard Operator. The Snack Shack serves food, beverages, and snacks during our games.
Rick Bachman.
During his 29-year fire service career, he also served eight years as Treasurer for the IAFF (International Association of Fire Fighters) Local 3379. After retiring from fire service, he then worked part-time in accounting for the Stanislaus County Library.
Rick is stating his second year as treasurer
John Cawley,
Was elected for a two-year term as SS player representative after serving as Head Umpire for many years. John assists Ray in running the Silver Sluggers
He is a SS player, Tournament team player, and Umpire
Ray Rothbardt
Ray Rothbardt will be serving his third year as our Silver Sluggers General Representative. He is responsible for the Silver Sluggers organization. Ray is also a Silver Sluggers player.
Mary Long
Mary Long continues as Diamond Gals General Representative, having been re elected to another two year term, starts her sixth Council year. She has served as both the General and Player Representative positions. She is responsible for the Diamond Gals organization. Mary is a Diamond Gals player and Chairperson of the Opening Day Ceremonies and Women’s Coaches Committees. She is also a WSSC hall of fame member.
Mark Victoria
Mark Victoria, newly elected to the WSSC hall of fame, continues as our Field Maintenance Manager and is starting his fourth year on the Council. Mark is responsible for Del Webb Field maintenance and operations for the WSSC, working with the WOA staff to coordinate our team practice schedule and maintenance needs. He is also a Silver Sluggers and Wolverines player.
Tom Hower, Tournament Teams Representative
Tom Hower begins his first year as Tournament Teams Representative. This involves liaison with tournament teams in order to identify impacts on WSSC players, coaches, umpires, and other officials. Tom currently coaches the Silver Slugger Yellow Jackets team and manages the Woodbridge Wildcats NCSSA tournament team.
This is Melba’s first year on the Council and holds the Secretary position. As Secretary, she manages each player’s application, email announcements to members, and take the minutes of each WSSC meeting. This is her fourth year as a Diamond Gal.
Jim Anderson
Serving first year of health umpire position. I have been playing competitive softball for 49 years. This includes umpiring well as league games.
Kay Kion
This is Kay’s first year serving as the Diamond Gals Player Representative. Kay has been playing with the Diamond Gals for 5 years. She has also been a member on the year-end Banquet Committee, as well as the Opening Day Ceremonies Committee.
Our 2024 WSSC Council has a great balance of both new and returning members. We look forward to continuing our work leading the WSSC this season!